Todd A. Mahr, MD, FAAP, FAAAAI, FACAAI - Coalition Chairman

Dr. Todd Mahr, Coalition Chair, leads the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin Steering Committee.
Dr. Mahr serves as an Allergist and Immunologist with Gundersen Health System. To learn more about our Coalition Chair, visit the Chair page.
Thank you to Dr. Mahr for his continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee.
Dr. Mahr serves as an Allergist and Immunologist with Gundersen Health System. To learn more about our Coalition Chair, visit the Chair page.
Thank you to Dr. Mahr for his continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee.
Sandy Bernier, BSW, CSW - Policy Committee Co-Chair
Tana Feiner

Tana Feiner received her Bachelor of Science from Edgewood College. She worked as a local tobacco control coalition coordinator in Waukesha County before joining the staff at the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program.
Tana served as the Youth Access Coordinator and Youth Programs Coordinator before becoming the Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Coordinator. As the TTA Coordinator, she coordinates the Program’s statewide training and technical assistance work. She collaborates with local, state, and national partners to implement a TTA structure that addresses identified gaps and supports best practices and promising approaches in tobacco prevention and control.
Tana also serves as a contract administrator for some of the Program’s local and state-funded partners, providing contract guidance and TTA. Tana is passionate about integrating health equity into the work of the Tobacco Prevention and Control Movement.
Thank you to Tana for her continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee.
Tana served as the Youth Access Coordinator and Youth Programs Coordinator before becoming the Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Coordinator. As the TTA Coordinator, she coordinates the Program’s statewide training and technical assistance work. She collaborates with local, state, and national partners to implement a TTA structure that addresses identified gaps and supports best practices and promising approaches in tobacco prevention and control.
Tana also serves as a contract administrator for some of the Program’s local and state-funded partners, providing contract guidance and TTA. Tana is passionate about integrating health equity into the work of the Tobacco Prevention and Control Movement.
Thank you to Tana for her continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee.
Jenna Flynn, MPH, CHES

Jenna Flynn is a Public Health Educator with the Marathon County Health Department. Jenna holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a master’s degree in Public Health and holds a Certified Health Education Specialist credentialing. She grew up in Northern Wisconsin and is proud to serve the central region. Jenna is passionate about prevention and working with partners to advance public health. She has worked on local tobacco prevention efforts for five years. Jenna has served in leadership capacities including Northwoods Coalition Advisory Board, Wisconsin Public Health Association Early Career Professional Co-Chair, and participation on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin strategic plan core planning team.
Vicki Huntington

Vicki Huntington has been involved with tobacco prevention and control for over 23 years. She started with the movement in 1997 at the American Lung Association of Gulfcoast Florida and has been the Section Chief/State Program Manager for the Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention and Control Program since 2008 at the Department of Health Services. Prior to that, she had been the Policy Analyst, Youth Programs Coordinator, and Disparities Coordinator.
As Section Chief, Vicki helped guide Wisconsin’s movement through the implementation of major policies like the statewide SmokeFree Air and two tobacco tax increases. Vicki enjoys collaborating with the many partners at the local, state, and national levels that are involved in planning and implementing a comprehensive approach to tobacco prevention and control in Wisconsin.
Vicki is very passionate about addressing the tobacco related disparities that exist because of the tobacco industry’s historical targeting of marginalized communities. Besides Vicki’s commitment to public health, she has a degree in Arts Management, worked in theatre management for 12 years, and has passion for the arts being an integral part of a community. Vicki loves spending time outside hiking with her daughter and husband. She tries to keep up with their rescued retired greyhound, rescued three legged cat, and golden retriever.
Thank you to Vicki for her continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee and Policy Committee.
As Section Chief, Vicki helped guide Wisconsin’s movement through the implementation of major policies like the statewide SmokeFree Air and two tobacco tax increases. Vicki enjoys collaborating with the many partners at the local, state, and national levels that are involved in planning and implementing a comprehensive approach to tobacco prevention and control in Wisconsin.
Vicki is very passionate about addressing the tobacco related disparities that exist because of the tobacco industry’s historical targeting of marginalized communities. Besides Vicki’s commitment to public health, she has a degree in Arts Management, worked in theatre management for 12 years, and has passion for the arts being an integral part of a community. Vicki loves spending time outside hiking with her daughter and husband. She tries to keep up with their rescued retired greyhound, rescued three legged cat, and golden retriever.
Thank you to Vicki for her continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee and Policy Committee.
Sara Sahli - Policy Committee Co-Chair

Sara Sahli is the State Government Relations Director for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) in Wisconsin, focusing on evidence-based policy and legislative solutions designed to eliminate cancer as a major health problem.
Sara has over 15 years of lobbying, grassroots advocacy, coalition building, public affairs, and government relations experience. Prior to joining ACS CAN, she worked on the finance team of a successful gubernatorial campaign and was employed as a legislative aid for a US Senator.
Thank you to Sara for her continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee and Policy Committee.
Sara has over 15 years of lobbying, grassroots advocacy, coalition building, public affairs, and government relations experience. Prior to joining ACS CAN, she worked on the finance team of a successful gubernatorial campaign and was employed as a legislative aid for a US Senator.
Thank you to Sara for her continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee and Policy Committee.
Tommi Thompson, MBA

Tommi Thompson serves as Executive Director for the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation, which leads the First Breath program. First Breath is Wisconsin's free program to help pregnant, new moms, and their family members become tobacco free.
First Breath serves all 72 Wisconsin counties. More than one-third of the programs participants quit smoking and stay quit postpartum. An additional one-fifth participants cut down their tobacco use.
Pregnant women remain a priority population to help quit smoking. Low birth weight and infant mortality nearly double among women that smoke. While smoking continues to decrease among pregnant women, the smoking rate remains higher than the national average.
In addition to leading the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation's programing, Tommi co-led the Tobacco Prevention and Control Movement's State Planning process for 2020-2025.
Thank you to Tommi for her continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee.
First Breath serves all 72 Wisconsin counties. More than one-third of the programs participants quit smoking and stay quit postpartum. An additional one-fifth participants cut down their tobacco use.
Pregnant women remain a priority population to help quit smoking. Low birth weight and infant mortality nearly double among women that smoke. While smoking continues to decrease among pregnant women, the smoking rate remains higher than the national average.
In addition to leading the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation's programing, Tommi co-led the Tobacco Prevention and Control Movement's State Planning process for 2020-2025.
Thank you to Tommi for her continued leadership on the Partnership for Tobacco Free Wisconsin's Steering Committee.